Company Profile

OGE Energy Corp. (NYSE:OGE) is a holding company whose primary investment provides electricity in Oklahoma and western Arkansas. OGE Energy’s electric utility operations are conducted through OG&E, which generates, transmits, distributes, and sells electric energy in Oklahoma and western Arkansas. OG&E was incorporated in 1902 and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of OGE Energy. OG&E is the largest electric utility in Oklahoma, and its franchised service territory includes Fort Smith, Ark. and the surrounding communities.

For more than 120 years, OG&E has provided customers with safe, reliable energy to power their businesses and homes at some of the most affordable rates in the nation. Our life-sustaining and life-enhancing products and services energize life and are built on our foundation of strong system reliability, a diverse portfolio of fuel types, and high customer satisfaction.

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Minimum 15 minutes delayed. Source: LSEG

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