OG&E Presents Energy Efficiency Check to OKC for New MAPS 3 Convention Center
OG&E Presents Energy Efficiency Check to OKC for New MAPS 3 Convention Center
OG&E delivered a $262,108 check to the City of Oklahoma City’s MAPS fund Tuesday afternoon for the energy efficient measures taken in construction of the new MAPS 3 convention center and parking garage. | Left to right: OG&E Senior Account Executive Jeff Lemon and Community Affairs Manager Spencer Browne with OKC Mayor David Holt, MAPS Program Manager David Todd and OG&E CEEP/IEEP Program Manager Forrest McGee. |
OKLAHOMA CITY (Dec. 23, 2020) — OG&E, the electric utility subsidiary of OGE Energy Corp. (NYSE: OGE), made a check presentation to the City of Oklahoma City for the energy efficiency measures taken in the construction of the new MAPS 3 convention center. The $262,108 check includes approximately $169,000 for the convention center and $93,000 for the parking garage.
“We are proud to offer OG&E’s Schools and Government Efficiency Program so we can help the city save money on utility bills with increased efficiency and responsible energy consumption. All of this benefits the community,” said Brian Alford, OG&E’s director of corporate affairs.
OG&E’s Schools and Government Efficiency Program provides incentives for a variety of energy-efficient upgrades for all educational and publicly funded facilities within its service area. The program offers a free assessment that helps identify the measures that could bring the biggest cost-savings. The program is available to all OG&E commercial customers including small businesses, churches and organizations. Over two years ago, OG&E’s team collaborated with the convention center building contractor to offer suggestions on energy saving measures to increase the incentive to the city.
“Our new state-of-the-art convention center will drastically change Oklahoma City for the better by attracting major conventions, creating local jobs and bringing in millions of dollars to the local economy,” said MAPS 3 Program Manager David Todd. “OG&E’s energy efficiency program has helped us create a more sustainable project and will allow our MAPS dollars to go even further.”
Oklahoma City Mayor David Holt attended the event and applauded OG&E’s incentive program.
“The City of Oklahoma City is thankful to have OG&E’s support to help us mitigate energy costs that can be a large expense,” Holt said. “This incentive program provides an opportunity for the city to spend less on energy and more on the community. We commend OG&E for this partnership. It’s a win-win for everyone involved.”
In the last 10 years, OG&E has given over $70 million in incentives to commercial customers for cost-savings measures like changing lighting to LED and installing new air conditioning units, chillers, air-compressors, motors and other energy management control systems. These changes equate to over $200 million in savings over the last decade for OG&E customers. For more information about OG&E’s energy efficiency initiatives, visit this website.
The MAPS 3 convention center is complete and will be open for its first formal events and conventions in early 2021.
About OG&E
Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company, a subsidiary of OGE Energy Corp. (NYSE: OGE), is Oklahoma's largest electric utility. For more than a century, we have provided customers in Oklahoma and western Arkansas the safe, reliable electricity needed to power their businesses and homes with the nation's lowest electric rates, according to S&P Global Market Intelligence. Our employees are committed to generating and delivering electricity, protecting the environment, and providing excellent service to nearly 860,000 customers. OG&E has 7,081 MW of electric generation capacity fueled by low-sulfur coal, natural gas, wind, and solar. OG&E employees live, work, and volunteer in the communities we serve. For more information about OG&E, visit us at http://www.oge.com or follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/ogepower and Twitter: @OGandE.